Danish IT Society Architecture Certification™ Foundation

The Foundation Certification provides a broad common starting point and better communication for IT architects and others who are involved with IT architecture. The Education for IT Architects is a Danish certification model targeted IT Architecture with FDA (Fællesoffentlig Digital Arkitektur - The common public-sector digital architecture) and The Danish IT Society Architecture Competence Framework – DIT ACF as a context, and also incorporates TOGAF. This certification model forms the basis for Practitioner and Master courses.

Links and download for syllabus

About the Certification


Courses and Price

Self-study and Courses on Demand

Important Information

Dato og sted

Medlemspris (DKK ekskl. moms)
Ikke-medlempris (DKK ekskl. moms)
Public exam - Wide range of certifications

Public exam on demand

You can request a public exam for the Danish IT Society Architecture Certification™. Request an exam date at least 5 working days in advance.

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