Bliv sponsor på Automatisering i den finansielle sektor og en del af Dansk IT’s sponsorfamilie. Design jeres sponsorpakke her.
For mere info kontakt Hans Ravnkjær Larsen på tlf.: 20123250 eller mail:
Fra den klassiske bankansatte til UX-designeren - 55.000 ansatte i finanssektoren og omegn er medlem af Finansforbundet. Vores medlemmer er dermed forbundet af finans i deres fagforbund. Vi tilbyder solid viden, indsigt og erfaring, som klæder vores medlemmer på til at lykkes i deres arbejdsliv.
Van Haren Publishing publishes about best practices and standards in the field of IT & IT management, enterprise architecture, business Management and project management.
We publish worldwide using our widespread international network of distribution partners. Organizations benefit when they share knowledge with each other. We hope to help organizations achieve this through our easy-to-read publications about standards and best practices. This should help them to remain successful in our rapidly changing world. We are constantly looking to innovate and exchange knowledge within IT & IT management, enterprise architecture, business management and project management.
We help to make knowledge more accessible via our e-Library and e-Knowledge center, in the form of hardcopy books, eBooks, white papers and training materials. Nowadays, we are also active in exams via Haren Learning Solutions.