Carsten Levin
Carsten er ny facilitator for netværket Mobile Strategy. Han har i mange år arbejdet med mobile løsninger og har rådgivet danske virksomheder om paradigmeskiftet gennem firmaet Codeo Danmark ApS og som ekstern lektor ved IT Universitetet med fokus på mobilitet. Carsten præsenterer det nye netværk Mobile Strategy og faciliterer diskussionen omkring temaet ”Mobilitet - det modsatte af Business as Usual”
Ahmad Ghazawneh
Ahmad er Assistant Professor ved IT Universitetet i København. Ahmed vil tale om:
How Digital Platforms Transformed the Global Business Landscape
Digital platforms are everywhere. Players in most industries try to build their own. Think about industry platforms in sectors such as mobile (e.g. Apple), social (e.g. Facebook), banking (e.g. Saxobank), and music (e.g. Spotify), to name a few. Simply, digital platforms are rapidly changing and disrupting the business landscape in nearly every industry.
Jan Staack
Jan er Senior Enterprise Architect hos AP Møller Maersk og tidligere Lead Enterpricse Architect i DONG Energy. Jan vil tale om:
From mobility to enterprise mobility. Going from mobility to enterprise mobility, which steps should be considered?
By now your company properly have a number of mobility solutions in place, servicing different needs, target groups and based on different technologies.
In order to go to an enterprise mobility initiative, what are the steps to have identified future business plans, digital business strategies, innovation and disruptive technologies and a mobility strategy aligned? “